Over NoMoMo

Formost, No More Mondays has its speciality in interactive conceptdevelopment, developing creative fun and interactive concepts for brands en and organisations whose products need attention on the mobile community or creating a community with it. By combining humor, “playfullness” and creativity, an app,web-app or site will deliver the message far more directer and faster then the ‘oldfashion’ way of information communication.

NoMoMo also develops playful informative museum games. Personal mission and passion is development of interactive children’s products, which make use of current techniques and with the goal to have parents and children play with each other more instead of letting the kids do their stuff and leave the parents alone.

Besides concept and creation, Don Blaauw also is a public speaker on conferences about subjects like playful use of new media, trends and applied technology .

My experience and extensive professional network allows me to easily and quickly deliver a fitting concept including prototype and art direction. With the right tools and online disciplines in my network (read: short lines to experts) great thing are bound to be realised.

With Don Blaauw in your brainstorm-session or think-tank team, you will be astounded by what wil come out of such a session.