OpenArch Presentation at Archeon

It was a beautiful day to be visiting the open air museum Archeon. I was asked to speak on this conference to give my personal and professional perspective on the dialogue with the visitor. I gathered lots of examples and imagery to support my talk and wanted to share my opinion of certain elements I thought were missing in open air museums nowadays when it comes to mobile support and gaming.
My presentation was called:  A playful dialogue with the mobile visitor.
Summary: Every museum nowadays thinks that using hight-tech terms like ‘games’, ‘apps’, ‘QR’ or ‘Augmented reality’ will get them an increase of visitors. These assumptions however don’t always come true that easy. Today we will try to get go through a few tips and tricks to keep the visitor IN the game.
Great people and great stories.
Thanks OpenARCH and Archeon for the good organisation.
OpenArch.122-001 OpenArch.129-001 OpenArch.142-001

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